
Ethical Trading

Mammoth Mining concept is based on a fundamental drive to to save the elephant. By professionally mining mammoth tusks valuable ivory can be made available onto the open market forming a viable substitute to elephant ivory. An ideal virtuous circle – using the elephant’s ancient ancestors to save today’s animals.

The sale of mammoth ivory creates a long lasting income stream the profits from which can be invested in part into elephant conservation. Conservation of these magnificent animals is a key part of the equation, but not everything.  Benefits, social and economic, will accrue to the tusk mining communities plus scientific research on the mammoth will be advanced.

The communities that currently mine tusks in a manner akin to early gold rush panning will be trained in professional mining techniques, increasingly the ad hoc and erratic nature of their earnings will become more secure and predictable allowing them to plan for the future of their families particularly in terms of health, housing and education.

The increasing predictability of supply of mammoth ivory will mean that traders can start to rely upon its throughput and know they can satisfy customer demand without need of the black market in elephant ivory. Critics of the concept cite fuelling interest in ivory as a reason not to release mammoth ivory onto the market. This argument is weak; a legitimate substitute that has the aesthetic merit of elephant ivory without any of the ethical issues can satisfy demand without risk to the elephant. Ivory, like diamonds and other revered natural substances, will always be in demand the key is to maintain the value and desirability whilst releasing the elephant from threat.

Mammoth Mining – a problem solved, the elephant saved.